Twelve points Blog

The Best Thing To Do With Your Holiday Bonus
The holiday bonus: that exciting little extra we receive from employers after a year of hard work. Surely we deserve to splurge on a little something for ourselves with it, right? Well, let’s examine that plan.

New Year’s Resolution: Find the Right Financial Advisor
Was health and fitness at the top of your 2015 resolutions list? It’s a perennial #1 for most, and gyms are so full in January that it is almost impossible to find a free treadmill. By February, the crowds at the gym begin to subside, and by March only the regulars

The Divorce Blame Game
When you get hurt, what is your natural instinct? For most people, it is to fight or hurt someone back. In divorce especially, it is so easy to play the blame game. Spouses fight tooth and nail to make themselves feel better.

2015 Market Outlook
“We are at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkles in every glass, and soft laughter falls upon the summer air, we know at some moment the black horsemen will come shattering through the terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors
Parents and New Year’s Resolutions
Well, you made it! The holidays have come and gone, the kids are settling back into school, everyone is getting back on schedule, and routines are routine again. It’s the beginning of the New Year.

Trust – A Fleeting Trait on Wall St
Webster’s dictionary defines trust as “belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest or effective.” Those are the very qualities we seek in people we call friends, employees we hire, companies we want to work for and especially those with whom