Trust – A Fleeting Trait on Wall St


by Dave Clayman, CMT®, C(k)P®, AIF®, CPWA®, Co-Founder and Principal

Webster’s dictionary defines trust as “belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest or effective.” Those are the very qualities we seek in people we call friends, employees we hire, companies we want to work for and especially those with whom we place our life savings.  However, when you google the phrase “will we ever again trust Wall Street”, you come up with over 69 million results.

The majority of advisors I have known are men and women with the highest integrity and people I am proud to call friends.  It is not the individuals who work on Wall Street, but the industry itself which has come into question.  Our feeling when we founded Twelve Points was that maybe there was room for a new company founded on old, basic principles that have stood the test of time to step into the void and begin restoring faith in the financial advisory business, one family at a time.

We won’t always be right and we don’t promise to outperform some benchmark index every year. We do promise to deal with every person – client, prospect or random acquaintance – in a manner consistent with these twelve principles every single day.

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